Mimnagh Contracts are specialists in the field of plastering offering Sto, K-Rend, and Weber plastering services.
Sto Plastering Services
Sto have become the market leaders in synthetic render technology, external render profiles and internal acoustic systems. Sto offers these systems to help combat and overcome particular building design limitations.
At Mimnagh Contracts we offer Sto Render, a cost effective and quick service with many benefits, coming in 800 different colours.
K-Rend Plastering
K-Rend silicone renders form an attractive range of one coat application, which can be plastered directly onto block work. Renders come in 20 colours in both the silicone thin coat and silicone scraped texture.
Silicone technology forms a high degree of water repellency to the render surface while at the same time allowing water vapor to pass through the render. This allows the substrate to breath. The water repellent surface ensures a freshly rendered appearance for a prolonged period, resisting algae growth and limebloom.
Webber Plastering
Mimnagh Contracts are also Weber approved contractors. Weber provides a variety of render finishes and systems for building facades including scraped renders and polymer modified base coats. Webber also offers external wall insulation systems with acrylic plaster finishes.
Parex Plastering
Parex offer 48 standard colours for the following render systems and products
- One coat cement range
- Lime based render ranges
- Maite Monocomposant and EHI product used in our Pariso Hydraulic Insulated Render Range
Parex offer 35 standard colours for all the DPR acrylic textured finishes, 310 Primer and 311 DPR Coatings.